Wednesday 8 May 2019

The Self-Care A Woman Absolutely Needs, Based On Her Zodiac Sign !!

In the hustle and bustle of this strange journey called life, we get busy looking out and looking after our dear ones. In this confusion, we often forget the most important thing – taking care of ourselves. We must all remember that unless we fill ourselves up, there will be nothing left to pour out for others. And while some of us might find it a little odd – even selfish – to do things for ourselves, it is actually essential so that we can continue being the awesome people we are!

Hence, here are a few ways in which you can indulge in self-care depending on which zodiac sign you are!

1. Aquarian Women

Born between January 20th and February 18th, Aquarian women tend to be very independent and self-sufficient. However, once in a while, it’s okay to reach out. Call your mom, dad or best friend. Let your walls down. You’ll be surprised at how light and happy you feel after that.

2. Piscean Women


Your birthday is usually between February 19th and March 20th. By nature, Pisceans are creative individuals. But very often, you tend to ignore this part of your existence. So, once in a while, give in to the creator in you. Pick up that pen, or brush, or whatever it is that you need to start creating. You’ll feel nurtured and loved like never before.

3. Arian Women


If your zodiac sign is Aries, you were born between March 21st and April 19th. You are someone who is full of energy and always raring to go. No prizes for guessing what will contribute best to your self-care – exercise, of course! So, go on, grab those running shoes and just get out!

4. Taurean Women


Born between April 20th and May 20th, Taureans are people who just love experiencing new things and appreciating the smaller joys of life. For your self-care, we suggest going on trips to new places. Your soul will be happy soaking in all the novel and amazing experiences the new sights will have to offer.

5. Gemini Women

You were born between May 21st and June 20th and tend to be really impulsive. While this is not a bad thing in itself, perhaps a little reflection is what you need to ensure that you are taking good care of yourself. So, the next time you are faced with the need to make a decision, just think it over before commencing. You will be surprised by the outcome.

6. Cancerian Women

With birthdays between June 21st and July 22nd, women with Cancer as their zodiac sign seem to be highly emotional and tend to overthink and worry. The next time this happens, just take a step back and try to pin down what it is that you are going through. Once you face it this way, all your worries might become smaller and easier to manage.

7. Leo Women

Born between July 23rd and August 22nd, you are always in the thick of things, soaking in attention like the sunlight. But there are times when you must move away and be at the periphery of things. That is what will help you rejuvenate and come back with a bang.

8. Virgo Women


If you’re a Virgo woman (born between August 23rd and September 22nd), you tend to be a perfectionist who wants everything to be perfect! Here’s a little secret – sometimes imperfection is okay. So, take a deep breath and let go. And while you’re at it, invest in a planner. Trust us, it really helps.

9. Libra Women

Your birthday is between September 23rd and October 22nd and you just love having those heated intellectual debates. You tend to be interested in all things that involve setting your brain to work. The best way to take care of yourself as a Libran woman is to set some time away for rejuvenating the brain. Keep at least an hour every day aside to read those books and articles that you love, and nothing will be able to hold you back!

10. Scorpion Women


Not someone to trust others easily, Scorpions (born between October 22nd and November 21st) can get really stressed out about the new people in their lives. But don’t worry, this is manageable. All you have to do is reach out to your closest friend and ask them to put things into perspective. All will be well, trust us.

11. Sagittarian Women

Born between November 22nd and December 21st, the biggest flaw of the Sagittarian woman is that she believes in a fair and equal world. She is an idealist. But there are two ways of seeing this, really. You can either take this as a flaw or use this as an excuse to actually get up and make things better. At the same time, it’s important for you to keep yourself grounded. So, invest in a reality check once in a while for a happier and fuller life.

12. Capricorn Women

The Capricorn woman is often seen as someone who is focused and determined to succeed by all means. Born between December 22nd and January 19th, Capricorn women are often misunderstood for their passion. Once in a while, shift your focus from your goals to the loved ones around you. You’ll at once see the difference not just in yourself, but also the people who you love.

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These Zodiac Pairs Are The Most Passionate And Powerful Together!

These Zodiac Pairs Are The Most Passionate And Powerful Together!

Compatibility and the fire of passion are two things everybody looks for in a relationship. Without them, a relationship is unexciting and quite problematic. While testing the waters is one way of finding out if your relationship has both of these elements, the other way is to match you and your partner’s zodiac signs to see if they work!
Here are the best pairs of zodiac signs that make the most passionate and powerful couples:

1. Aries With Libra

A headstrong and aggressive sign, Aries likes to take control. Even in a relationship. They dislike mind games and prefer a passionate and fiery partner in bed, making Leos and Scorpios suitable for them! However, they are most attracted to the carefree nature of a Libra as it offers them a meaningful relationship and helps in keeping them grounded while nurturing their adventurous spirit.
Aries is least compatible with Taurus as the latter doesn’t allow the former to be in charge.

2. Taurus With Virgo

Family-oriented and highly traditional, Taurus is a sign that wants to be wooed by a display of OTT romantic gestures. This makes them compatible with Virgo as this sign shares family values with Taurus and also brings an awesome sexual relationship into the play.

However, in case of overtly strong Taurean personalities, Scorpios prove to be a better match. Taureans stay away from Sagittarians as they are way too adventurous for the grounded bull.

3. Gemini With Sagittarius

Funny, quick-witted, and kind of airy, Geminis gel well with those who never attempt to cut off their wings. Which is why you will find them getting along with Sagittarians who match the Gemini wit to wit and complement their impulsiveness by being impulsive on their own.

Geminis do not like Capricorns as they come across as too much of a homebody for their liking.

4. Cancer With Taurus

Cancerians are very selfless, compassionate, and full of empathy. They’d rather have a deep and meaningful relationship over a one-night stand, which makes them a good match for Taurus as the latter sign values emotional connections too. A typical date night for this pair is made up of watching movies while curling up on the couch.

Cancerians and Leos are a disaster as Cancerians can’t tolerate the blunt outspokenness of the Leonine sign.

5. Leo With Aries

The spotlight is always on a Leo. They always have suitors because they’re so passionate and popular. Attentive as lovers and great at giving gifts, Leos deserve a partner who’s as passionate as them, which they find in Aries. Even though they’d have huge fights, they’ll make up in a huge way too, testifying to their compatibility!
Leos and Scorpios don’t get along as the former is not fond of the latter’s intensity.

6. Virgo With Scorpio

Virgos pay attention to detail and love order and perfection in life more than anything else. They desire a perfect and stable love life too, which they find in a Scorpio. Virgos feel a strong connection with Scorpios and prove to be attentive and intimate partners. They balance out the Scorpion’s sexuality and zest for life.
Virgos cannot stand Sagittarians, whom they find very airy.

7. Libra With Gemini

Libra and Gemini are a match made in heaven. The tact of a Libra is complemented by the wit of a Gemini, making them one hell of a pair. Together they have mentally stimulating conversations that keep both of them alive and growing. Libra’s stability keeps the flighty Gemini in check.
Librans find Virgos to be extremely boring and unimaginative.

8. Scorpio With Pisces

Tough on the outside but soft on the inside, Scorpions crave for a sensitive partner, which they find in Pisces. Both of them are highly emotional signs and are capable of understanding each other on a deeper level, catering to each other’s needs.
One sign Scorpions stay miles away from is Aries, whom they view as superficial and exhausting.

9. Sagittarius With Aquarius

With a strong wanderlust as their defining feature, Sagittarians do well with a partner who fuels their desire for travel. Being interesting is a quality they look for – a quality which Aquarians personify. Aquarians are as adventurous and open-minded as Sagittarians and together they have the most exciting times.
Taureans, who are ground and family-oriented, are the exact opposite to Sagittarians.

10. Capricorn With Virgo

Capricorn is a goal-driven, ambitious sign. They act aloof because they are afraid to get hurt even though they really want to form deep and intimate connections. Virgos fulfil their needs as they share the same values as a Capricorn.
Capricorns have a general dislike for Gemini as they don’t like their impulsive and carefree attitude.

11. Aquarius With Libra

Aquarians are activists, always fighting for justice. They are very intelligent, perceptive, and idealistic, always seeking a partner who shares their values. Libra is the sign that does this as they too believe in equality and will cheer the Aquarians on to fulfil their dreams.
Aquarians prefer not to be with Cancerians as the latter are unable to understand them.

12. Pisces With Capricorn

Creativity personified and multitalented, Pisceans want a stable partner who can see them through everything in life. Capricorns provide that stability as well as understanding and appreciation, which the Pisces, as an artist, loves.
For a Piscean, it’s impossible to tolerate a Virgo as they are quite messy while Virgos are perfectionists.
If you and your partner’s zodiac signs do not match according to this list, do not panic. Chances are you were always meant to be. For the rest, this is surely a fun way to know what’ll work and what won’t ! 

The Self-Care A Woman Absolutely Needs, Based On Her Zodiac Sign !!

In the hustle and bustle of this strange journey called life, we get busy looking out and looking after our dear ones. In this confusion, w...