Tuesday 11 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path Number 7 )

Secrets of your Birthday-
If you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th  day of any month you have a Number "7" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

7: (7) 

16: (1+6=7) (7)

25:(2+5=7) (7)

Planet governing number 7:
The number 7 stands in symbolism for the Planet Neptune, which is associated with the moon. The moon is always given a number of 2. That is why number 7 people have 2 as their secondary number.


They are independent, original and individualistic:
Number 7 people are extremely independent, original and invidualistic. They can rarely be found in groups or crowd in order to seek the false security of numbers. They stand on their own feet with their heads held high and exist by their own minds and their own endeavour. Unity does not mean strength for them. It means an unnecessary hindrance and a nuisance.

The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth.The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions.

The 7 is spiritual number, but not religious. In fact, the age-old questions of what life is all about, why are we here, who am I, and so forth, never reach the status of clichés, but are essential to the 7's life-experience, and unless they finds the answers they will not stop looking for them until they dies.

The 7  hates gossip and is immune to small-minded backstabbing. Money means nothing to them and they will never make a choice or a decision based on an expected financial outcome.

There is a dry, usually misunderstood sense of humor to the 7, yet is unable to remember a single joke. They are not a superficial one. They has excellent taste and a natural love and understanding of art. They are attracted to unpopular yet unique and talented people. The popular "beautiful"  people bore them to no end. They are not usually interested in politics but has a strong sense of justice.

The 7 tends to be a loner. Women with dominant 7 are often beautiful . They don't like to fuss in front of the mirror, but can be very charming and will take on a room full of men in any discussion, completely unconscious of the fact that many of them have something completely different in mind.

According to this birth number the later years may involve a great deal of travel often in pursuit of spiritual truths or ancient knowledge! If for whatever reason you do not find someone special to call your own in your early years then take heart as your number promises that your later ones will be filled with love and friendship.  Look again for people you meet near water or on your travels as there is a real possibility they are linked to you on a deep soul level.

Number 7 people have a sharp imagination , are Independent  and they speak fearlessly in a  straight forward manner , these people are single face people, if they likes you they will speak it to your face if they don't like you they will speak it to your face , they don't hide things  inside them ,  and are people who are or will be able to establish a good name in the society . These people are empathic people who have the ability to understand whats going on in an another persons mind they get  to know that easily through their empathic QUALITY so they do understand people and can make people understand  . They are thinker and are travellers  , they prefer change , number 7 people are spiritual people but not that religious , they are not much in to old rituals though they do value and respect them. Few of number 7 people are aggressive they should control their this nature . These people are charitable people with a big heart . These people will get support from their siblings . These people rarely have long term friendship .

They are very lucky:

Number 7 people are very lucky. Coming in contact with them makes others lucky as well. There is so much of positive energy and vibrations in number 7 persons that they create magnificence without striving to do so.

They are restless and love to travel:
Number 7 people are restless. They love change and travel. They love to visit foreign countries and far-off lands. They eagerly absorb information on travel and exotic lands.

Their philosophical outlook makes them inactive:
They have a peculiar philosophical outlook on life which causes their work to suffer sometimes. The only worthwhile philosophy of life out to be of Karma (of functional creativity). 

They have original ideas in business: 
Number 7 people have original ideas in business. This generates enormous riches for them, though they are rarely interested in wealth. That is probably why they give large donations to charities. The problem with number 7 people is that travel and far-off countries interest them above everything else.

They have peculiar ideas about religion:
Number 7 people have very peculiar ideas about religion. Most of them create a religion of their own. Their religion is imaginative and mysterious. The supreme consciousness leads them naturally to spiritualism, which is different from normal understanding. Some of the greatest prophets and spiritualists are number 7 people. They normally appear mysterious and absent-minded to average people.

They have remarkable dreams:
Number 7 people have remarkable dreams. They naturally lean toward occult studies. They are intuitive and clairvoyant. They possess a certain kind of appeal which influences people in a very peaceful way.

They are stubborn:
Number 7 people are stubborn. They generally disregard opinions of others. They are logical and precise. Their precision leaves no room for including opinions of others.

They are sensitive:
Number 7 persons are very sensitive. They may not appear to be so because they go to extremes in order to hide their feelings.

They are tolerant and creative:
Number 7 persons are cool and tolerant. This makes them poetic and philosophic. They make this world more civilised and worthwhile. Their original and fertile brains are ideally suited to created magnificence for themselves as well as for others.

They can make excellent writers:
A favourable transit of Neptune inspires a number 7 writer to create book which usually brings him enormous joy, fame and money.

They are very lucky:
Number 7 people are very lucky. Coming in contact with them makes others lucky as well. There is so much of positive energy and vibrations in number 7 persons that they create magnificence without striving to do so.

They go to extremes to improve something:
There is nothing which is beyond their desire to improve on something that needs reform. They are game tiers and succeed where most others fail. Their power to think independently and imaginatively creates delicious possibilities to uplift things.

They are excellent bosses:
Number 7 people are excellent bosses. They never pester, especially over trivialities. They may appear hard on surface but their sense of fairness and their loving heart makes no one resentful towards them. People love and respect them.

The creativity makes them changeable:
Their changeable temperament is of the creative kind. It ensures progression and prevents them from inert laziness. Change is the only thing that advances existence. It is hardly surprising that impetus to life is provided mostly by number 7 people.

Their adaptability makes them endearing to all ages:
Number 7 persons are courted by children, youth and old age as one of their own. Their wonderful adaptability makes them endearing to every age and environment.

They have excellent intuitive power:
Number 7 persons cannot be easily deceived by other people mainly because of their excellent intuitive power. They can easily know what the other person is thinking and what he wants.

They are adventurers:
Number 7 persons are adventurers by nature. They love literature of daring adventure. They devour spy stories. They even undertake detective work at great risk to their lives.

They are brave:
Number 7 persons are brave. This is often a latent trait in character. It is better for them to recognise this trait and advance on its path. It would also create benefits.

They are magnetic and have a good memory:
Number 7 persons have a good memory. They also have the capacity to create a lasting impression of the people they meet. Their magnetism is such that it casts a spell on people. This spell lasts for long periods.


Number 7 persons undergo many ups and downs in their lives. They also care very little about wealth and material things. That is the reason why they rarely amass wealth. Their wealth comes normally from their creative ideas and methods of business. The women of this number are very anxious about finances. They normally marry men who are richer than them.

Lucky Jobs:

Number 7 persons are most suited to carry on with business. The business most suited to them is of electricity and iron. They can also undertake the following jobs in case they do not want to do the above. In these jobs too they would experience success but to a lesser degree. These jobs are:

  • Export and import.
  • Dealing with foreign countries.
  • Dealing in dairy products and chemicals
  • Human Resources
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Investigators
  • Auditors/Inspectors
  • Cricket/ Sports
  • Glamour World
  • Commentators
  • Income tax/Service Tax
  • Marketing/ Sales
  • Acting/ Dance/Drama
  • Research
  • Psychologists
  • Astrology/ Numerology
  • Spiritual /Yoga Sciences
  • Doctor(Surgeon)
  • Pharmaceuticals

Lucky choice of friends:

A number 7 person is most friendly with a person:

  • Who has 1, 2, 4 or 7 as their root numbers, which means those who are born on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, 29th and 31st of any month.

Lucky love & marriage partner:

A happy marriage with people of Number 7 is contributing to their loyalty, sense of duty, common interests and a responsible approach.

A number 7 person is most suited to marry a person:

  • Who has 1, 2 or 7 as their root numbers, which means those persons who are born on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 25th of any month.

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