Thursday 13 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path number 9)


If you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th  day of any month you have a Number "9" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

9: (9) 

18: (1+8=9) (9)

27:(2+7=9) (9)

If you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27thday of any month you have a Number 9 Life Path Master Number.

Positive Traits:
They are able to view life in very broad and intuitive terms. They often express high ideals and an inspirational approach to life.
Negative Traits:
They are too sensitive. They are disappointed in the lack of perfection in themselves and others

No matter what your star sign, if you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th day of any month you have an 

affinity to those people born under the signs of Aries and Scorpio and their ruling planets Mars and Pluto. As Scorpio rules rebirth and reincarnation, you should consider the fact that anyone you meet who is born under either sign may have a past-life connection to you.

Basics Of The Life Path Number 9
Date Lord
For Business:
For Romance:
For love and Marriage:
Best No.:

You are likely to lead a life that appears ‘larger than life’ to those around you. You may have been lucky enough to retain some knowledge and wisdom from past lives and if so, know that you are here to pass that on. You would benefit from developing your communication skills – writing and speaking. Your number is one of extremes – you will either be an inspiration to others or get bogged in jealousy over another’s success, be highly intuitive or else oblivious. You are however a natural leader and will fight for what you think is right. You can however be undone by impatience and this is something you need to guard against. If your expectations are not met immediately you can become destructive – and by that I mean self-destructive.

You feel things very deeply which many people fail to appreciate. When it comes to choosing a partner you need to find someone who takes sex as seriously as you do. By that I don’t mean you are obsessed with sex – even if it does take up a great many of your thoughts! You need a partner whose appetites match your own but who you can connect with on a soul level. Yes, you want sex and lots of it- but it has to be sex with depth. Relationships may not always run smoothly for you and this can be because you can be impulsive when it comes to choosing a partner, Unless you find a partner who matches passion in the bedroom and your energy out of it, your relationships will be short-lived so please don’t feel you have to rush into things.

You may have wanted to leave home early due to disputes between your parents. What you will find as an adult is that changes of residence and travel bring in benefits for you. Yours is the number of a traveller so you should undertake many journeys in your lifetime and may even live overseas for a while, It’s likely however you would return to your country of origin.

You have a mind that is eager to learn and explore and you can turn this to your advantage. In terms of a career you should think about teaching, writing, debating or lecturing. When it comes to achieving your goals your boundless energy means you won’t let any obstacles get in the way. You also have the ability to run your own business and as you are something of an individual, you should think seriously about this as you don’t suffer fools gladly and that includes those in the work place. The only way to avoid having a fool for a boss may be to work for yourself.

You have the ability to make money quickly or when you need it. However, you need to stay away from hasty or impulsive financial speculations – especially to do with real estate and serious financial trouble will follow if you do. You may also have run-ins with the tax man, banks, government departments etc if you are not careful and again, these could drive you to despair if a solution is not quickly forthcoming so please get expert advice in these areas. Despite the fact that you can come across sometimes as brash, you have a soft heart and are a sucker for a sob story. However, before lending anyone money you should try pointing them in a direction where they can help themselves. If you do end up lending people money then only do so if you can afford to write off the debt as it is unlikely you will see it again. This especially applies to any siblings you may have.

Life may throw you a few problems but you are a survivor. You are a loyal partner and friend but a bitter enemy and if someone betrays you, you will never forget. However, forgiveness along with focussing your powerful mind on the things that really matter is where your power can really be accessed. You are able to set yourself goals and plan how to achieve them like no other number so please use these abilities and focus your energy.

Number 9 is considered by many a sacred number as if you multiply it by any number it reduces back upon itself. Because of this 9 has properties unlike any other number. It is unique as is anyone born under a 9 Life Path. If you take an unbiased look at yourself you will notice that you too have qualities that belong to no-one else. These are your gifts and you are here to use them.

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