Friday 12 October 2018

4 Zodiac Signs That Fall In Love More Easily Than Others

4 Zodiac Signs That Fall In Love More Easily Than Others

The skeptics will tell you love is overhyped. But the ones who’ve felt the rush of love deep within their bones will wholeheartedly counter it! No matter the polarizing opinions of people about love, it continues to be the deepest, strongest emotion most of us ever feel. Not to mention the most beautiful one too!
When the cupid’s arrow strikes you down and claims you as its victim, butterflies fill your stomach. The sky seems bluer than before and roses bloom in full glory. Your hands scribble one love note after another and your feet involuntarily tap to every love beat on the radio. That’s how powerful love really is!

Despite its innate power though, not everybody falls in love as readily as shown in the movies. Some people hold themselves back to prevent the hurt and the pain, while a few others rush into the thrill of romance without even giving it a second thought.
Although the rate at which people fall in love can be attributed to their personalities, it’s the alignment of the stars at the time of their birth that ultimately decides how quickly they’ll feel the new pinch of love. What we’re trying to say is, it’s basically your zodiac sign that largely determines whether you’ll fall in love easily or prove to be a tough nut to crack!
With that being said, are you wondering what kind of person you are when it comes to falling in love? Do you think your zodiac sign is easily moved? Well, you won’t have to wonder much longer as we’re going to reveal to you the 4 zodiac signs that fall head over heels in love quite easily as compared to others. Just keep on reading!

1. Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

Venus is the planet that rules the sun sign of Libra. Hence, it’s no surprise that Libra is one of the easiest signs when it comes to falling in love! As soon as a Libran falls in love, they can’t help but utter those 3 words. And if you think that’s too much, you’d be surprised to know that it’ll take a Libra only about 3 dates to fall in love with someone! Simple actions such as their date passing them the ketchup bottle without them asking first can make a Libra feel like they’ve found ‘The One.’
So, is that a bad thing? No, not really. Librans are very much in love with the idea of love. They like loving people and receiving love in return, which is why they are quick to act on their impulses and make a commitment even if the person is not really their soulmate. All they want is to share their life with someone, which is not bad.

2. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Pisceans are ultra-romantics! Even though this fish sign realizes that the sea is full of fish, their aim is to catch one and hold on to it for life. Their ruling planet is Neptune, which is responsible for fantasies. And this is exactly what leads them to fantasize about their dream wedding, wedding dress, wedding ring, and more! However, for Pisceans who are tired of falling in love too easily with the wrong ones, we have some advice: Just rethink every move you intend to make before making it, just so you can be sure you’re investing your truest emotions in the right one.

3. Gemini (May 20 – Jun 20)

Geminis are social butterflies. They flutter around from one flower to the other, flirting their way into the hearts of people. That said, Geminis are also very talkative and if you’re able to match their wavelength during a conversation, the Gemini will lose their heart to you in an instant! Although Geminis fall in love quite easily, they don’t stay in love for very long as they get bored quite easily. The key is to keep them entertained and engaged in stimulating conversation that blows their mind away. If you can do that, the Gemini will start wedding planning already! Even though Geminis are quite okay with flings, they’re really on the hunt for their soulmate.

4. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Cancerians are so quick to fall in love that a simple “hello” is all it takes for them to want to say, “I do” to you! The crab sign is extremely sensitive and wants to experience everlasting love. So, if they manage to connect emotionally with someone on a deeper level, they won’t mind getting down on their knees with a ring in their hand! Also, know that Cancerians are not even remotely interested in starting a fling. It’s love they seek and they’ll only get into a relationship if their partner is ready to be serious too!
So, these are the 4 sun signs that fall in love too fast. That’s not to say the others don’t feel the feels. It just means they take their own sweet time before taking the plunge!

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