Friday 21 September 2018

6 Things You And Your Partner Can Do To Prepare For A Long-Distance Relationship

6 Things You And Your Partner Can Do To Prepare For A Long-Distance Relationship

We’ve all heard the  saying,“Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” However, when it comes to long-distance relationships, this ubiquitous tidbit finds itself in a sticky spot. Long-distance relationships are like a meticulous work of art — every brush stroke makes a difference (it could either ruin it or make it a masterpiece!).

Nobody said it was going to be easy, and not everyone is a fan of long-distance relationships, right? But, when life presents you a situation that demands you to stay away from your partner, what do you do? Before the jitters set in and you start visualizing the end of your perfectly stable relationship, here’s what you can do to ensure your relationship stands the test of distance. And may the odds be ever in your favor!

1. Communication: Talk, But Also Listen

We cannot stress this enough, but communication is the key! Be honest with each other. Face the music of the avalanche that’s about to hit you. It’s not going to be roses and sunshine. It’s hard work. Tell each other about your fears, your needs, and everything that matters. Don’t just brush over things and expect fate to handle your relationship. Keep the channels of communication open and listen to each other. But, that doesn’t mean that you have to be clingy. Balance it out. The line between spamming and communicating is a thin one.

2. Step Into Each Other’s Shoes

Time is your enemy in a long-distance relationship. You can’t defeat it, but you can enter into a treaty where both the parties will be gratified with the terms of arrangement. You may not have the time to be there for each 24×7 since work and other commitments might hamper your intentions to spend time with one another. So, create a schedule and pencil each other in for frequent one-on-ones. Do not burden your partner to make all the adjustments (we strive for equality, remember?). Video chats, phone calls, text messages, and the likes are your armor. Go all out, and get armored!

3. Set The Ground Rules And Talk About Loyalty

Contrary to popular belief, exclusiveness isn’t an implication if the words were never spewed. If you want your respective partner to stay loyal to you, tell them that this is a necessary component of the relationship. Set some ground rules and spell it out that the relationship is exclusive and you are serious about one another. Determine the commitment level before you take the leap, because you don’t want to be the only one trying to hold the fort together. So, straying is strictly forbidden.

4. Be There For Each Other

For a relationship to work, physical presence is just as important as a spiritual one. Since it’s not physically possible to attain the former, put a tad bit more effort into the latter. Be there for each other. You don’t have to be a third parent and constantly keep buzzing each other, but just let each other know of your mutual support and understanding.
You might have to work extra hard in delving deep into the trenches of your feelings and being receptive to have an honest, heart-to-heart with your partner. This creates a semblance of connectivity. In a long-distance relationship, the regard for emotional connectivity is higher than that of physical connectivity. It’s just the smallest of gestures, like a text message asking about how their day is going, that goes a long way.

5. Know Your Boundaries And Do Not Overstep

Distance doesn’t ruin a relationship, but doubts do. Trust each other and if there is something lurking at the back of your head (could be the hottest person in your partner’s college or office), then confront each other. Do not ignore your insecurities and let them manifest into bigger problems, but talk it out. Put your jealous and possessive selves aside and make an effort to get to know each other’s friends and acquaintances. This will help you stay sane when your partner goes off the radar without a warning.

6. Make Plans About How You Are Going To Bridge The Gap

Although technology makes communication an easy task, relationships cannot sustain on communication alone. Make plans to visit each other. Sometimes it could be after months or even years, but chalk out a plan and make it happen. However, refrain from cramming a list of things to do when you see each other. Make time for mellow time together and ensure that your visit is worthwhile. Unlike other relationships, meeting each other isn’t such a common thing for partners in long-distance relationships, so make the most of it. It will be fireworks and rainbows everywhere!

The distance can make many things unachievable, but as the saying goes, “If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.”Long-distance relationships can be tough and could often rock your boat, but remember that distance can never separate the ones truly in love. Instead of getting cold feet and dreading the long-distance scenario, brace yourselves and get on that rollercoaster ride, because this experience will only make your relationship stronger!

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