Sunday 23 September 2018

What Your Hands Reveal About Your Personality

Palmistry isn’t exactly a proven science. 

Yet, it doesn’t fail to tickle our curiosity. And the most interesting thing is that it is found across cultures, the world over. It’s not like it is prevalent only in India, or only in one part of the world – it is seen even in European cultures, specifically the gypsy culture, where we have palmists who claim they can foretell the future in our hands. Another name for palmistry is ‘chiromancy.’ Chiro, in Greek, means hands, and therefore we must understand that palmistry is not just about the palms and the lines on it, but also the shape of the hands, the joints and where they bulge or break, and even the knuckles.

Having said that, I also want you to know that there are different types of palmistries, depending on which part of the world it is practiced in. In this article,I will be telling you your personality type based on the shape of your hands. Yes, that’s right. I can assess what kind of a person you are just by observing the shape of your hands! And the best thing is, after you are through reading this article, you will be able to do that too!

So, let’s first start with the basics. According to palmists, there are four kinds of elemental hand shapes: earth, water, fire, and air. Just like in astrology, the elements are very indicative of the way you would interact with the world around you. The picture below depicts the rough proportions each elemental hand possesses. Take a look to discover which one fits you best, and read on to uncover what it could tell about your personality!

1. Water

The most obvious indication of the fact that you possess a water palm is the oval shape of your palm. If you have long, slender fingers accompanied by an oval-shaped palm, you most likely have a water palm. Possessors of the water palm are known to have a highly creative bent of mind. And just like their element, they are known to be calm and quiet.

It is said that water takes the shape of every vessel that it is poured into. While this cannot be taken in a literal sense, the way this can be interpreted is by the empathetic nature that water palm individuals have. This means that they real feel genuinely for everyone around them and sometimes end up spending themselves too much, emotionally.

2. Air

It is usually seen that people who have rectangle-shaped palms accompanied by long fingers, are influenced most by the air element. However, even though your fingers look longer than your palm, if measured with a scale, they are of the same length more or less.

Air palm possessors are known to have an intellectual bent of mind and are more concerned about world peace and prosperity than what’s cooking for dinner tonight. But don’t judge them yet! They are also very good problem solvers. So, most likely, they will end up coming up with a solution for world peace before you can figure out what to cook for dinner. Jokes apart, they are quite intelligent and smart people.

3. Fire

If you have fingers that are shorter than your palm, you are the possessor of the fire palm. Compared to possessors of other palm elements, your palm will be longer and rectangular in shape, accompanied by shorter fingers. If you have this palm type, you are known for your adventurous spirit! And by adventure, we don’t just mean adventure sports or trekking in the hills, but a thirst for an adventurous life itself.

It is said that people with the fire palm type are natural-born leaders and can always be expected to have a solution to any problem. Playing the captain comes easily and naturally to them, and they do a great job with it too. Their passion is visibly palpable and so is their tendency to fly off the handle now and then. But then again, their element is fire! Obviously, they’ll have fire-like qualities – beautiful yet dangerous to be around!

4. Earth

4. Earth

The earth palm is usually square-ish in shape, with short fingers. Which means that your fingers may look slightly stubby when compared to someone with a different elemental palm. As the name suggests, if you have this palm type, it means that you are very grounded and practical. You enjoy activities that help you stay as close as possible to your element.

This simply means that you would any day choose a trek in the hills over a trip to the mall. People with this palm type are generally known to be practical, rational, and typically experience stable relationships. They are also reliable and dependable, just like their element – earth.

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