Sunday 30 September 2018

Ten Unbelievable Traits of People Born in October

10 Unbelievable Traits of People Born in October


People born in October are known to maintain consonance between parties with their brilliant diplomatic skills. They are great thinkers and are gifted with a very logical mind. Octoberites therefore are good at analyzing situations and come up with solutions. They attach high value to intellect. I am going to tell the never-before told traits of October born.


1. Very Intelligent

They haven’t got a head on their shoulders just for makeup and looking beautiful, look beneath the surface, it has lot more inside than outside. Quick/Sharp wit, extreme curiosity, deductive skills, quick thinking and the ability to pick things up here and there as well as thoroughly research the matters of special interest make them able to speak on anything in public gatherings.


2. They are so balanced that they can be used as judges in court

The Scales will never go to extremes, and will mostly choose the middle path in order to please everyone around them, whatever the issues may be. They are famous for maintaining harmony and balancing between two sides in difficult situations. They are also very level headed and therefore can be sought after for practical solutions.


3. You will be amazed by the charisma of their “Charming Personality”

October is the month of charm. Octoberites have special ability to positively influence others by connecting with them physically, emotionally and intellectually.


4. Romance is in their heart and soul.

Driven by Venus, October born people are extremely romantic and best one’s to date.They add love in whatever they do. So if you are confused whether to accept a proposal from an Octoberite or not?, GO AHEAD and grab it!


5. Tactically Smart – By hook or crook… or by look.. or by …

They know how to get it done, but they cannot be called cunning. Its just that they are too good to tweak the emotions of others

6.Octoberites are good at analyzing situations and come up with perfect solutions that happily satisfies all parties. 


7. I want all pleasures in life and why not if I can afford them.

Because they have a strong desire for material comforts, they may tend to waste a lot of money in unnecessary luxuries. But thats Ok, after all its their money

8. They have easy going attitude. Octoberites are mostly active yet sometimes they are too lethargic. Usually its not that they are physically lazy but they believe it not taking too much stress on them.


9. Good Communicators

With high intellect, they are often great with dialect, having flawlessness in different languages and are therefore good communicators and engaging talkers.


10. Moody 

At times they appear to be exceptionally positive, accommodating, upbeat and cordial; while, other times there will be a low feeling in their heads, and at such circumstances they can be absolutely negative and to a great degree unfeeling to the agonies of others..

Altogether people born in October have some awesome traits, yet to make success kiss their feet, they need to work on their indecisiveness. The most troublesome things for an Octoberite is to make a decision. At the point when confronted, it is often difficult for them to choose what is best for them, which can turn into a major obstacle in their way.  Just work on this and you will be the best!

Monday 24 September 2018

5 Things Every Girl Needs To Know About Men !!

5 Things Every Girl Needs To Know About Men

Although men love women and go to great lengths to make them happy, they still think women are an enigma. For generations now, the male fraternity is trying to figure out…ah..err… the million dollar question again – what do women want? And that remains a mystery. But on the other hand, for women, it isn’t so hard to figure out men. At times, they do act weird, but that happens with us too, isn’t it? So, here I am to share a few facts about men that are universally true. C’mon, let’s begin…

1. Texting Is Not For Them

According to one of my close friend , When she started dating, her guy would send tons of texts, so much that her inbox would be full. Those were the days when SMSes had just come in. And she would too, in all zeal, send an instant reply. Eventually, his texts turned into monosyllables. Check this out…

My friend : Hey, is the movie plan on?

11.20 am
No reply and she type again…
Please let me know so I can plan my day accordingly.
11.25 am
Still no reply…

Actually, i was wondering if we could dine out at a cozy place after the movie.
11.32 am
At this point…she get two texts saying your messages have been delivered!

Now, she think she know what’s the problem, so she send him this…

Or probably we could hang out at a pub if you wanna have a beer.

11.45 am
No reply till 12 pm

Now, a furious her types this…
Say something… At least a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ and I’ll understand!
Beep goes the phone, and finally, there’s a reply from him and guess what that was?
Him: K
Yes, you read that right. Just an alphabet! She stare at it in horror. She nearly exceeded every possible character limit for SMS and also was charged a bomb for the same (damn!), not to forget all the effort that went into thinking and typing. And he had the audacity to reply with just one text? Yes, Just ONE!
She discussed this with me, and my reply was: “Take it easy girl. Men don’t have all the time in the world to type out long messages. They want to keep the conversations crisp and to the point.
Her immediate response was: “Yeah? So, am I jobless?”
ME: (Chuckles)
And over the years, I figured out the reason for that. Men can never beat women when it comes to expression. We love to give them an elaborate account of everything. But, on their part, men would like to keep it to the minimum. If you have noticed, a text from him would read something like this…
Tx, C U (not even a smiley there!)
Just one look at the text, and it’s easy to guess if a man has sent it. There are certain attributes to their messages that clearly is inherent in them.
Now, the moral of the story is men don’t really bother about text messages and wouldn’t care less about replying in the same tone or length of your text. So, it’s time you realized that and went easy on that!

2. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Your boyfriend dotes on you and makes you feel special every time you meet. But once you are out of sight, he doesn’t care to call or message as much. Sounds familiar? Well, most men are like that. Actually, a couple of them are merely talking all the time without that translating into action. And there are men who don’t like to express much but would rather let their actions speak. A Guy would get everything you need; he would cook and even ll get chocolates and ice creams to fulfill cravings . But once he left for work, he ll b completely a different man. He would just not bother to call or text. So, who would you like? A man who praises you all the time and promises the moon but doesn’t show it in action or someone who hardly speaks but IS THERE when you need him the most? Take your pick, girls.

3. They Are Clueless

Once a girl told me she bumped into an astrologer once, and she were discussing relationships, why some don’t last, the law of karma, and blah blah. He had an interesting take on this. He said men were like monsters who can be easily appeased. But women are like gods – you never know how or when they are happy. It’s like you pray endlessly for certain things and never get it, or pray for something once and it’s answered. So, if that be true, then men have a tough time figuring out what can make their women happy. So, the best thing for you to do is clearly state your desires – all problems solved!

4. You Are Worth A Million Dollars

He might be playing hide and seek with you and hard to get. But just reverse the situation and let him know that you are seeing someone else, and he’s bound to pop the question the very next minute! After all, he doesn’t want to lose you at any cost. Such is the psychology of men. At times, you have to understand how they work and plan your moves accordingly. You know what I mean?

5. Freedom Is The Ultimate Concern

Do you know that one of the leading reasons for men not to commit is the fear of losing their freedom? They love to have their boys’ night out, booze parties, soccer games, and the like. And they wouldn’t trade anything in the world to lose these privileges. They know that once they are hooked, they are deprived of these chances at one point or the other. So, freedom is paramount to them. Just let them be and give them space. This will prevent most of the conflicts you may have.
So, women, those were my thoughts on men. Do you have anything to say about them? Leave a message in the comments section below.

Sunday 23 September 2018

What Your Hands Reveal About Your Personality

Palmistry isn’t exactly a proven science. 

Yet, it doesn’t fail to tickle our curiosity. And the most interesting thing is that it is found across cultures, the world over. It’s not like it is prevalent only in India, or only in one part of the world – it is seen even in European cultures, specifically the gypsy culture, where we have palmists who claim they can foretell the future in our hands. Another name for palmistry is ‘chiromancy.’ Chiro, in Greek, means hands, and therefore we must understand that palmistry is not just about the palms and the lines on it, but also the shape of the hands, the joints and where they bulge or break, and even the knuckles.

Having said that, I also want you to know that there are different types of palmistries, depending on which part of the world it is practiced in. In this article,I will be telling you your personality type based on the shape of your hands. Yes, that’s right. I can assess what kind of a person you are just by observing the shape of your hands! And the best thing is, after you are through reading this article, you will be able to do that too!

So, let’s first start with the basics. According to palmists, there are four kinds of elemental hand shapes: earth, water, fire, and air. Just like in astrology, the elements are very indicative of the way you would interact with the world around you. The picture below depicts the rough proportions each elemental hand possesses. Take a look to discover which one fits you best, and read on to uncover what it could tell about your personality!

1. Water

The most obvious indication of the fact that you possess a water palm is the oval shape of your palm. If you have long, slender fingers accompanied by an oval-shaped palm, you most likely have a water palm. Possessors of the water palm are known to have a highly creative bent of mind. And just like their element, they are known to be calm and quiet.

It is said that water takes the shape of every vessel that it is poured into. While this cannot be taken in a literal sense, the way this can be interpreted is by the empathetic nature that water palm individuals have. This means that they real feel genuinely for everyone around them and sometimes end up spending themselves too much, emotionally.

2. Air

It is usually seen that people who have rectangle-shaped palms accompanied by long fingers, are influenced most by the air element. However, even though your fingers look longer than your palm, if measured with a scale, they are of the same length more or less.

Air palm possessors are known to have an intellectual bent of mind and are more concerned about world peace and prosperity than what’s cooking for dinner tonight. But don’t judge them yet! They are also very good problem solvers. So, most likely, they will end up coming up with a solution for world peace before you can figure out what to cook for dinner. Jokes apart, they are quite intelligent and smart people.

3. Fire

If you have fingers that are shorter than your palm, you are the possessor of the fire palm. Compared to possessors of other palm elements, your palm will be longer and rectangular in shape, accompanied by shorter fingers. If you have this palm type, you are known for your adventurous spirit! And by adventure, we don’t just mean adventure sports or trekking in the hills, but a thirst for an adventurous life itself.

It is said that people with the fire palm type are natural-born leaders and can always be expected to have a solution to any problem. Playing the captain comes easily and naturally to them, and they do a great job with it too. Their passion is visibly palpable and so is their tendency to fly off the handle now and then. But then again, their element is fire! Obviously, they’ll have fire-like qualities – beautiful yet dangerous to be around!

4. Earth

4. Earth

The earth palm is usually square-ish in shape, with short fingers. Which means that your fingers may look slightly stubby when compared to someone with a different elemental palm. As the name suggests, if you have this palm type, it means that you are very grounded and practical. You enjoy activities that help you stay as close as possible to your element.

This simply means that you would any day choose a trek in the hills over a trip to the mall. People with this palm type are generally known to be practical, rational, and typically experience stable relationships. They are also reliable and dependable, just like their element – earth.

Friday 21 September 2018

6 Things You And Your Partner Can Do To Prepare For A Long-Distance Relationship

6 Things You And Your Partner Can Do To Prepare For A Long-Distance Relationship

We’ve all heard the  saying,“Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” However, when it comes to long-distance relationships, this ubiquitous tidbit finds itself in a sticky spot. Long-distance relationships are like a meticulous work of art — every brush stroke makes a difference (it could either ruin it or make it a masterpiece!).

Nobody said it was going to be easy, and not everyone is a fan of long-distance relationships, right? But, when life presents you a situation that demands you to stay away from your partner, what do you do? Before the jitters set in and you start visualizing the end of your perfectly stable relationship, here’s what you can do to ensure your relationship stands the test of distance. And may the odds be ever in your favor!

1. Communication: Talk, But Also Listen

We cannot stress this enough, but communication is the key! Be honest with each other. Face the music of the avalanche that’s about to hit you. It’s not going to be roses and sunshine. It’s hard work. Tell each other about your fears, your needs, and everything that matters. Don’t just brush over things and expect fate to handle your relationship. Keep the channels of communication open and listen to each other. But, that doesn’t mean that you have to be clingy. Balance it out. The line between spamming and communicating is a thin one.

2. Step Into Each Other’s Shoes

Time is your enemy in a long-distance relationship. You can’t defeat it, but you can enter into a treaty where both the parties will be gratified with the terms of arrangement. You may not have the time to be there for each 24×7 since work and other commitments might hamper your intentions to spend time with one another. So, create a schedule and pencil each other in for frequent one-on-ones. Do not burden your partner to make all the adjustments (we strive for equality, remember?). Video chats, phone calls, text messages, and the likes are your armor. Go all out, and get armored!

3. Set The Ground Rules And Talk About Loyalty

Contrary to popular belief, exclusiveness isn’t an implication if the words were never spewed. If you want your respective partner to stay loyal to you, tell them that this is a necessary component of the relationship. Set some ground rules and spell it out that the relationship is exclusive and you are serious about one another. Determine the commitment level before you take the leap, because you don’t want to be the only one trying to hold the fort together. So, straying is strictly forbidden.

4. Be There For Each Other

For a relationship to work, physical presence is just as important as a spiritual one. Since it’s not physically possible to attain the former, put a tad bit more effort into the latter. Be there for each other. You don’t have to be a third parent and constantly keep buzzing each other, but just let each other know of your mutual support and understanding.
You might have to work extra hard in delving deep into the trenches of your feelings and being receptive to have an honest, heart-to-heart with your partner. This creates a semblance of connectivity. In a long-distance relationship, the regard for emotional connectivity is higher than that of physical connectivity. It’s just the smallest of gestures, like a text message asking about how their day is going, that goes a long way.

5. Know Your Boundaries And Do Not Overstep

Distance doesn’t ruin a relationship, but doubts do. Trust each other and if there is something lurking at the back of your head (could be the hottest person in your partner’s college or office), then confront each other. Do not ignore your insecurities and let them manifest into bigger problems, but talk it out. Put your jealous and possessive selves aside and make an effort to get to know each other’s friends and acquaintances. This will help you stay sane when your partner goes off the radar without a warning.

6. Make Plans About How You Are Going To Bridge The Gap

Although technology makes communication an easy task, relationships cannot sustain on communication alone. Make plans to visit each other. Sometimes it could be after months or even years, but chalk out a plan and make it happen. However, refrain from cramming a list of things to do when you see each other. Make time for mellow time together and ensure that your visit is worthwhile. Unlike other relationships, meeting each other isn’t such a common thing for partners in long-distance relationships, so make the most of it. It will be fireworks and rainbows everywhere!

The distance can make many things unachievable, but as the saying goes, “If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.”Long-distance relationships can be tough and could often rock your boat, but remember that distance can never separate the ones truly in love. Instead of getting cold feet and dreading the long-distance scenario, brace yourselves and get on that rollercoaster ride, because this experience will only make your relationship stronger!

Why Women Don’t Get Out Of Unhealthy Relationships (Real Stories)

Why Women Don’t Get Out Of Unhealthy Relationships (Real Stories)

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship before? Or do you know anyone who has been in one? When we hear about someone in an abusive or an unhealthy relationship, our first question is always this—“Why don’t you break it off? Why are you staying?” And if you’re someone who has never been in such a relationship (*touch wood*), I’d never want you to be in one ever. It always seems easy to throw up the deuces and move on with your life. But here’s what I’m trying to convey in this very wordy article—it’s never that easy to “just leave”. Trust me!
Saying “NO” to an abusive relationship and getting out of it can be hard for many reasons. So here’s what I did: I spoke to a couple of women who had unfortunately been through hardships in their relationship. They spoke about how they still chose to cling on to it for a while when they could have said a “NO” and chosen a better life for themselves. And that’s how I understood why they chose to stay; I’ve put down a few real stories from real women, on why they chose to stay in unhealthy relationships. Let’s read together.

1. “I Stayed Because I Didn’t Want To Be Seen As A Failure”

Sneha, whose goal in life was to always be an obedient daughter to her parents, and now an obedient wife to her husband, told

“I thrive on making my people proud. It’s like an accomplishment for me. I thought that if I worked harder to keep him satisfied, forgave him a little more, it would all work out in the end. You know, just like how the rest of the things in my life have worked out ever since I was a kid. But, it took me a while to realize that I was continuing to fail in a phase of my life which was never really meant to be successful.”
Do I even have to explain anything here? She wanted to stay because she believed that it would work out anyway. She lived for her parents’ happiness and continued the same pattern, even after her marriage, by living for her husband. But, oh dear women! Don’t we have a life of our own? If there are any of you who are answering a “no,” please carve a purpose in life for yourself. A purpose that doesn’t fade because of any relationship or any other human.

2. “I Stayed Because I Was     Supposed To”

Anjali, a beautiful mother of two, tried to explain 

“I had to stay back with my husband because of my two children. I thought they’d miss a father’s love, support, and care. Yes, he used to abuse me, especially more when he came home drunk. But, I took it all for my children. One fine day, I chose to leave, finally! If you want to know why, again, the answer is my children. I realized that by staying with him I was teaching my children, my sons to disrespect women.”
I'm  so proud of Anjali’s decision. Although she didn’t do it for her, she did it for her world, her children. Nothing can beat the pain or the suffering that a mother willingly goes through for her children. Nor can anyone dare to fight a mother who stands up for her children’s well-being.

3. “I Stayed Because I Was Afraid”

Rani, a 22-year-old, bubbly girl turning into a stronger, independent woman told :

“The main reason why I wanted to stay back was that I was afraid. Afraid of the future, of being left alone and I thought I’d never find anyone else. I stayed because he made me feel like I wasn’t worthy of being anyone’s partner. He made it seem like he was doing me a favor by putting up with me. A part of me wanted to break free, whereas, another part of me only spoke of self-doubt. Because of him, I’d convinced myself that this was what I deserved. This was the best that life could give me. But then things changed when he went to the USA to do his masters and I was in India alone. That’s when I began to socialize and soon realized how wrong I used to think about myself.”
“I broke up with him. I fell in love again, with an amazing man who loves me more than I had ever loved myself. We even plan on getting married soon.”

It’s extremely important to nurture the self-confidence in you, and it is even more crucial to love yourself first before you love anyone else. Thank God that Rani soon understood that she was an amazing person and she didn’t need anyone to prove that to her.

So, these were some stories that I thought were important to share with you all. We can never really understand what’s going on in the other person’s life, but we can always try to understand why they chose to make the decisions that they have made. A lot of reasons like children, the fear of ending up alone, the society, financial security, etc, make it difficult for most women out there to get out of unhealthy, unhappy, and abusive relationships.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path number 9)


If you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th  day of any month you have a Number "9" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

9: (9) 

18: (1+8=9) (9)

27:(2+7=9) (9)

If you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27thday of any month you have a Number 9 Life Path Master Number.

Positive Traits:
They are able to view life in very broad and intuitive terms. They often express high ideals and an inspirational approach to life.
Negative Traits:
They are too sensitive. They are disappointed in the lack of perfection in themselves and others

No matter what your star sign, if you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th day of any month you have an 

affinity to those people born under the signs of Aries and Scorpio and their ruling planets Mars and Pluto. As Scorpio rules rebirth and reincarnation, you should consider the fact that anyone you meet who is born under either sign may have a past-life connection to you.

Basics Of The Life Path Number 9
Date Lord
For Business:
For Romance:
For love and Marriage:
Best No.:

You are likely to lead a life that appears ‘larger than life’ to those around you. You may have been lucky enough to retain some knowledge and wisdom from past lives and if so, know that you are here to pass that on. You would benefit from developing your communication skills – writing and speaking. Your number is one of extremes – you will either be an inspiration to others or get bogged in jealousy over another’s success, be highly intuitive or else oblivious. You are however a natural leader and will fight for what you think is right. You can however be undone by impatience and this is something you need to guard against. If your expectations are not met immediately you can become destructive – and by that I mean self-destructive.

You feel things very deeply which many people fail to appreciate. When it comes to choosing a partner you need to find someone who takes sex as seriously as you do. By that I don’t mean you are obsessed with sex – even if it does take up a great many of your thoughts! You need a partner whose appetites match your own but who you can connect with on a soul level. Yes, you want sex and lots of it- but it has to be sex with depth. Relationships may not always run smoothly for you and this can be because you can be impulsive when it comes to choosing a partner, Unless you find a partner who matches passion in the bedroom and your energy out of it, your relationships will be short-lived so please don’t feel you have to rush into things.

You may have wanted to leave home early due to disputes between your parents. What you will find as an adult is that changes of residence and travel bring in benefits for you. Yours is the number of a traveller so you should undertake many journeys in your lifetime and may even live overseas for a while, It’s likely however you would return to your country of origin.

You have a mind that is eager to learn and explore and you can turn this to your advantage. In terms of a career you should think about teaching, writing, debating or lecturing. When it comes to achieving your goals your boundless energy means you won’t let any obstacles get in the way. You also have the ability to run your own business and as you are something of an individual, you should think seriously about this as you don’t suffer fools gladly and that includes those in the work place. The only way to avoid having a fool for a boss may be to work for yourself.

You have the ability to make money quickly or when you need it. However, you need to stay away from hasty or impulsive financial speculations – especially to do with real estate and serious financial trouble will follow if you do. You may also have run-ins with the tax man, banks, government departments etc if you are not careful and again, these could drive you to despair if a solution is not quickly forthcoming so please get expert advice in these areas. Despite the fact that you can come across sometimes as brash, you have a soft heart and are a sucker for a sob story. However, before lending anyone money you should try pointing them in a direction where they can help themselves. If you do end up lending people money then only do so if you can afford to write off the debt as it is unlikely you will see it again. This especially applies to any siblings you may have.

Life may throw you a few problems but you are a survivor. You are a loyal partner and friend but a bitter enemy and if someone betrays you, you will never forget. However, forgiveness along with focussing your powerful mind on the things that really matter is where your power can really be accessed. You are able to set yourself goals and plan how to achieve them like no other number so please use these abilities and focus your energy.

Number 9 is considered by many a sacred number as if you multiply it by any number it reduces back upon itself. Because of this 9 has properties unlike any other number. It is unique as is anyone born under a 9 Life Path. If you take an unbiased look at yourself you will notice that you too have qualities that belong to no-one else. These are your gifts and you are here to use them.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path Number 8)


If you were born on the 8th, 17th or 26th  day of any month you have a Number "8" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

8: (8) 

17: (1+7=8) (8)

26:(2+6=8) (8)

DATE OF BIRTH : 8, 17, 26

Planet governing number 8:
The number 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn.


Organised, reliable, disciplined and ambitious. All these words apply to you if you were born under a Number 8. This is the most karmic birth number to have and during your lifetime you will cross paths with many, many people you have known in a previous one. You share many of the characteristics of those born under the sign of Capricorn no matter you own star sun and have an affinity with Capricorn’s ruler of Saturn. If you encounter Capricorns in this life then I’ll save you the guess work – yes, you have known them before!

Events in your early years may have made you grow up faster than your peers. You may have had to take on responsibility at an early age. You could even have left school early in order to earn money because your family needed it. If your early years were lonely because of this then know that the latter years will be filled to capacity! You possess great ambition and the drive to succeed so with some effort you should be able to rise to the top in whatever career you have chosen.

You may have been surrounded by older people when you were younger or found yourself caring for someone infirm. This may have hindered you from making friends. There may also be issues around lack of affection displayed by the parent of the opposite sex to you.

They are totally misinterpreted in life:
Number 8 persons seem to be totally misinterpreted no matter what they do in life. This makes them feel very lonely at heart.

They are very diligent and disciplined:
They are very diligent and self-disciplined. Their constant nature and their profound sense of duty make them the epitome of trust and honour. They have very intense natures. It is rare to find a number 8 person indulging in aimless frivolity. They are also very strongly individuals.

It is a fatalistic number:
Number 8 is a fatalistic number. The stars above govern our condition, but this is more about number 8 persons. In an odd way the stars are frequently hostile towards them. They rarely escape their wrath. For what can be avoided whose end is purposed by the mighty gods? This does not mean that number 8 persons do not possess positive luck. They do, but their luck ebbs and flows. Number 8 people are either great successes or great failures. There is no happy medium in their case.

They carry truth to a point where it annoys people:
Number 8 persons are not normally religious; but if they are then they become fanatics. They carry out their cause irrespective of any opposition. This makes bitter enemies for them. It is not to say that they are wrong. It only means that hey carry truth to an extent where it annoys people.

They are warm-headed, but appear cold:
Number 8 persons can rise to great positions provided they are ambitious. They hold this position, however, involving a great sacrifice and pain on their part.

It is not a fortunate number from a worldly stand point:
Number 8 is not a fortunate number from a worldly stand point. It leads to enormous sorrow and humiliation to those who are born under it.

They love classical and melancholic music:
Number 8 persons love classical and melancholic music. They are pessimists and prefer to live away from company. They actively shun society.

They are prudent, wise and grave:
Prudent is the hallmark of number 8 person. He is wise and grave. He takes decisions after great deliberation. But once the decision has been made he can put in tremendous effort in order to achieve his goal. His logical mind creates worthwhile decisions. He is a born manager. His organising ability is thus exceptional. Number 8 person loves fair play and he never pays lesser than what is a person’s due.

They have an odd blend of profundity and sensitivity:
Number 8 persons have an odd blend of profound and sensitivity. Some of them be eccentric, which may often be seen in religious matters.

Unpredictable destiny due to Saturn:
Saturn is a very complex planet. That is why it is so difficult to predict what destiny may sometimes hold for number 8 persons.

They are meditative and contemplative:
Number 8 persons are meditative and contemplative by nature. They work without fuss or show, but the quality of their work deservers not only praise but even reverence.

They are isolated from society:
Their grave nature saves them time because people rarely interfere with them, but it also isolates them from society.

They are very warm to persons they love:
Number 8 persons can be very warm to persons they love, but they can become completely disinterested in people who annoy them. They may even try their utmost to finish them completely. They often succeed because number 8 persons can be very dogged in their approach. Normally they shut their minds off from people who annoy them and no amount of cajoling can wing back their love.

They have the strength to fight hostile stars:
Number 8 persons gain enormously when their Saturn is strong. They also lose heavily when their Saturn is weak. They, however, have the ability to control an adverse situation within days. Number 8 are perhaps the only people who can fight hostile stars on an even keel.

They are excellent friends:
Number 8 persons have very few friends, but the few they do have are greatly benefited from them. They can bear any hardship on themselves in order to benefit a friend.

They are never satisfied with small or low deeds:
Number 8 persons hate exaggeration of any kind. They are reasonable people who exist within logical limits. They can never be satisfied with small or low deeds. They always work to reach to the very top of their ability. They can never feel satisfied to remain at lower levels or positions.

They rarely succumb to stress or shock:
Number 8 persons rarely succumb to stress. Their personality is powerful and full of wonderful possibilities. These traits make number 8 persons overcome any impediment. Number 8 persons can withstand more shocks than any other number.

They server the downtrodden:
The influence of Saturn make number 8 persons server people, especially the downtrodden. Their sense of service is without any ulterior motive or a desire for a reward.

They spend money creatively:
Number 8 persons know how to creatively spend money. A lot of creativity is required to earn money, but even greater creativity is required to spend it. Only then does money bring joy. Otherwise an average man ends up trying to please others or to earn respect through his wealth. Number 8 persons know this route is full of pitfalls. They buy genuine value with their money, never dubious show.

They must deal with oil and iron:
Saturn is the planet of oil and iron. Therefore number 8 persons would do well to manufacture or trade iron goods or oil. These could create enormous wealth for number 8 people.

They could succeed in lottery:
Saturn can make a person a millionaire one moment and a pauper the next. Number 8 persons must but lottery tickets regularly. They must ensure that they buy a lottery:

Whose numbers add up to 8.

The lottery is drawn on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month.

Work provides substantial joy to them:
The life of number 8 persons is full of activity and change. Number 8 persons spend enormous energy and time in sorting out the contradictions that arise out of the changes, leaving very little time for amusement. Surprisingly number 8 people rarely feel any anguish due to lack of amusement, mainly because work provides them substantial joy.

They find dejection and rejection in love:
Number 8 persons often find dejection as well as rejection in love. Number 8 persons are essentially action-oriented. They can rarely heave their heart to their mouths. This means they can rarely convey the immense love that they experience in the hearts.

They hate arguments:
Number 8 persons detest arguments. They know that discussion is an exchange of knowledge, while argument is an exchange of ignorance. They also hate to indulge in fights for a number of reasons. They know fights lack intellectual content and they cause hurt. That is the reason why they find no purpose in indulging in it.

Their concept of God is linked with truth and deeds:
Number 8 persons hate stone idols as their God. To them it amounts to hypocrisy. Their concept of God is more linked with truth and deeds rather than with something beyond human understanding. Number 8 persons may turn to ritualistic religion for a little while when surrounded by calamity but they soon return to their rational path.

They consider wealth as the natural manifestation of creative endeavour:
Number 8 persons consider wealth as the natural manifestation of creative endeavour. They work hard and in a creative manner and then demand fair compensation for their efforts. They would never loot but they would also not settle for anything non material like an appreciation or a thank you.

They must keep away from intoxicants:
Number 8 persons can easily become addicted to intoxicants. They would be advised to keep away from them because they will affect them in an extreme adverse manner.


Number 8 persons must take some precautions in order to negate the evil influence of Saturn, and to fulfil the true potential of their number. These precautions are:

Number 8 persons must overcome any diffidence or hesitation in matters concerning their work.

They must no become static. Travel and movement benefit them more. Close contact with people can be extremely beneficial.

They must not be dependent on others. They are most likely to benefit if they do their own work.

Number 8 persons rarely benefit through the help of their family. They must never depend on such help. Their affluence would be entirely due to their own effort.

Number 8 persons have many enemies. However, this is no cause for concern. They rarely lose against any enemy in a court of law. All they need to do is take adequate measures to negate the threat.

They must not travel to very high mountains or into very deep waters. They must take extra care in case such a thing is inevitable.

Women are likely to cause great anguish to number 8 persons in matters of love. They must be very careful in choosing a proper women.

Number 8 persons can be very inflexible. Intellectual constancy in admirable but unnecessary pigheadedness would lead to enormous difficulties.

They must not indulge in unnecessary worry. Every problem presents a solution within itself. Number 8 persons can easily recognise this once they make up their mind.

They must never be pessimistic about the future. God’s intentions are always beneficial. All that is required is to use our resources to the optimum in order to reap its true harvest.

Loneliness for its own sake is a negative attitude. Number 8 persons must actively seek people who fit into the logical concept of their philosophy.

There may be many impediments in the path of number 8 people but once these are removed nothing but joy prevails.


Number 8 persons are either great success or great failures. Their destiny also causes delays in everything. Number 8 persons thus achieve financial stability very late in life. They have to work very hard for their success. Number 8 people have to be very careful in negating the adverse influence of their birth number. Usually the number 8 is itself unlucky for those born with 8 as their root number.
A few who find 8 lucky may use it repeatedly and reap rich dividends. However, if number 8 is unlucky, as it usually is, then it is advisable to use the number opposite to the number of their period as shown in the chart. This must be referred to in order to arrive at the proper date, number, and day to be used for adequate benefit. The terrors of number 8 can be negated if these simple things regarding luck dates, colours, days, jewels, stones, metals, etc. 

Lucky love / marriage partner:

In relationships you are genuine and steadfast and expect the same in return. There is every indication you will out-live your partner and there may be a big age difference between you. Don’t be fooled however to thinking this does not apply to you if your partner is much younger than you. With the right person you become a positive furnace of passion but the wrong person will bring out a cold side in you so please observe which one it is during the dating process and take your time. 

Number 8 persons are most suited to marry a person:

Who has 4 or 8 as his root number which means a person born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st of any month.

More so, if he is born between 21st December and 26th February.

Lucky Jobs:
Number 8 persons are eminently suited to certain profession jobs. These are listed down according to the abilities of number 8 persons and the favourable influence of Saturn. The vocations and professions that suit number 8 person the most are:

Manufacture or trading of iron goods or oil (especially linseed or til oil).

They can make a career out of occult sciences.

Chemistry, physics and higher mathematics.


Coal mines and timber.

Printing and publishing.

Travel and tourism


Legal Services

Police/Army/ Military Services


Petroleum Products


Regulatory Affairs




Lucky choice of friends:
Number 8 persons make friends with people:

Who have 4 or 8 as his root number which means a person born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st of any month.

More so, if he is born between 21st December and 26th February.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path Number 7 )

Secrets of your Birthday-
If you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th  day of any month you have a Number "7" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

7: (7) 

16: (1+6=7) (7)

25:(2+5=7) (7)

Planet governing number 7:
The number 7 stands in symbolism for the Planet Neptune, which is associated with the moon. The moon is always given a number of 2. That is why number 7 people have 2 as their secondary number.


They are independent, original and individualistic:
Number 7 people are extremely independent, original and invidualistic. They can rarely be found in groups or crowd in order to seek the false security of numbers. They stand on their own feet with their heads held high and exist by their own minds and their own endeavour. Unity does not mean strength for them. It means an unnecessary hindrance and a nuisance.

The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth.The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions.

The 7 is spiritual number, but not religious. In fact, the age-old questions of what life is all about, why are we here, who am I, and so forth, never reach the status of clichés, but are essential to the 7's life-experience, and unless they finds the answers they will not stop looking for them until they dies.

The 7  hates gossip and is immune to small-minded backstabbing. Money means nothing to them and they will never make a choice or a decision based on an expected financial outcome.

There is a dry, usually misunderstood sense of humor to the 7, yet is unable to remember a single joke. They are not a superficial one. They has excellent taste and a natural love and understanding of art. They are attracted to unpopular yet unique and talented people. The popular "beautiful"  people bore them to no end. They are not usually interested in politics but has a strong sense of justice.

The 7 tends to be a loner. Women with dominant 7 are often beautiful . They don't like to fuss in front of the mirror, but can be very charming and will take on a room full of men in any discussion, completely unconscious of the fact that many of them have something completely different in mind.

According to this birth number the later years may involve a great deal of travel often in pursuit of spiritual truths or ancient knowledge! If for whatever reason you do not find someone special to call your own in your early years then take heart as your number promises that your later ones will be filled with love and friendship.  Look again for people you meet near water or on your travels as there is a real possibility they are linked to you on a deep soul level.

Number 7 people have a sharp imagination , are Independent  and they speak fearlessly in a  straight forward manner , these people are single face people, if they likes you they will speak it to your face if they don't like you they will speak it to your face , they don't hide things  inside them ,  and are people who are or will be able to establish a good name in the society . These people are empathic people who have the ability to understand whats going on in an another persons mind they get  to know that easily through their empathic QUALITY so they do understand people and can make people understand  . They are thinker and are travellers  , they prefer change , number 7 people are spiritual people but not that religious , they are not much in to old rituals though they do value and respect them. Few of number 7 people are aggressive they should control their this nature . These people are charitable people with a big heart . These people will get support from their siblings . These people rarely have long term friendship .

They are very lucky:

Number 7 people are very lucky. Coming in contact with them makes others lucky as well. There is so much of positive energy and vibrations in number 7 persons that they create magnificence without striving to do so.

They are restless and love to travel:
Number 7 people are restless. They love change and travel. They love to visit foreign countries and far-off lands. They eagerly absorb information on travel and exotic lands.

Their philosophical outlook makes them inactive:
They have a peculiar philosophical outlook on life which causes their work to suffer sometimes. The only worthwhile philosophy of life out to be of Karma (of functional creativity). 

They have original ideas in business: 
Number 7 people have original ideas in business. This generates enormous riches for them, though they are rarely interested in wealth. That is probably why they give large donations to charities. The problem with number 7 people is that travel and far-off countries interest them above everything else.

They have peculiar ideas about religion:
Number 7 people have very peculiar ideas about religion. Most of them create a religion of their own. Their religion is imaginative and mysterious. The supreme consciousness leads them naturally to spiritualism, which is different from normal understanding. Some of the greatest prophets and spiritualists are number 7 people. They normally appear mysterious and absent-minded to average people.

They have remarkable dreams:
Number 7 people have remarkable dreams. They naturally lean toward occult studies. They are intuitive and clairvoyant. They possess a certain kind of appeal which influences people in a very peaceful way.

They are stubborn:
Number 7 people are stubborn. They generally disregard opinions of others. They are logical and precise. Their precision leaves no room for including opinions of others.

They are sensitive:
Number 7 persons are very sensitive. They may not appear to be so because they go to extremes in order to hide their feelings.

They are tolerant and creative:
Number 7 persons are cool and tolerant. This makes them poetic and philosophic. They make this world more civilised and worthwhile. Their original and fertile brains are ideally suited to created magnificence for themselves as well as for others.

They can make excellent writers:
A favourable transit of Neptune inspires a number 7 writer to create book which usually brings him enormous joy, fame and money.

They are very lucky:
Number 7 people are very lucky. Coming in contact with them makes others lucky as well. There is so much of positive energy and vibrations in number 7 persons that they create magnificence without striving to do so.

They go to extremes to improve something:
There is nothing which is beyond their desire to improve on something that needs reform. They are game tiers and succeed where most others fail. Their power to think independently and imaginatively creates delicious possibilities to uplift things.

They are excellent bosses:
Number 7 people are excellent bosses. They never pester, especially over trivialities. They may appear hard on surface but their sense of fairness and their loving heart makes no one resentful towards them. People love and respect them.

The creativity makes them changeable:
Their changeable temperament is of the creative kind. It ensures progression and prevents them from inert laziness. Change is the only thing that advances existence. It is hardly surprising that impetus to life is provided mostly by number 7 people.

Their adaptability makes them endearing to all ages:
Number 7 persons are courted by children, youth and old age as one of their own. Their wonderful adaptability makes them endearing to every age and environment.

They have excellent intuitive power:
Number 7 persons cannot be easily deceived by other people mainly because of their excellent intuitive power. They can easily know what the other person is thinking and what he wants.

They are adventurers:
Number 7 persons are adventurers by nature. They love literature of daring adventure. They devour spy stories. They even undertake detective work at great risk to their lives.

They are brave:
Number 7 persons are brave. This is often a latent trait in character. It is better for them to recognise this trait and advance on its path. It would also create benefits.

They are magnetic and have a good memory:
Number 7 persons have a good memory. They also have the capacity to create a lasting impression of the people they meet. Their magnetism is such that it casts a spell on people. This spell lasts for long periods.


Number 7 persons undergo many ups and downs in their lives. They also care very little about wealth and material things. That is the reason why they rarely amass wealth. Their wealth comes normally from their creative ideas and methods of business. The women of this number are very anxious about finances. They normally marry men who are richer than them.

Lucky Jobs:

Number 7 persons are most suited to carry on with business. The business most suited to them is of electricity and iron. They can also undertake the following jobs in case they do not want to do the above. In these jobs too they would experience success but to a lesser degree. These jobs are:

  • Export and import.
  • Dealing with foreign countries.
  • Dealing in dairy products and chemicals
  • Human Resources
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Investigators
  • Auditors/Inspectors
  • Cricket/ Sports
  • Glamour World
  • Commentators
  • Income tax/Service Tax
  • Marketing/ Sales
  • Acting/ Dance/Drama
  • Research
  • Psychologists
  • Astrology/ Numerology
  • Spiritual /Yoga Sciences
  • Doctor(Surgeon)
  • Pharmaceuticals

Lucky choice of friends:

A number 7 person is most friendly with a person:

  • Who has 1, 2, 4 or 7 as their root numbers, which means those who are born on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 28th, 29th and 31st of any month.

Lucky love & marriage partner:

A happy marriage with people of Number 7 is contributing to their loyalty, sense of duty, common interests and a responsible approach.

A number 7 person is most suited to marry a person:

  • Who has 1, 2 or 7 as their root numbers, which means those persons who are born on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 25th of any month.

Monday 10 September 2018


8Secrets of your Birthday-
If you were born on the 6th, 15th or 24th  day of any month you have a Number "6" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

6: (6) 

15: (1+5=6) (6)

24:(2+4=6) (6)

People were born on 6th, 15th, and 24th of any month, their birth Number (Moolank)is 6. Their lord planet is Venus, which is the symbol of love and peace.They have well shaped body. They look beautiful and spectacular. Women whose birth number is 6 are very graceful and pretty. 

Number 6 people are ruled by Venus , Venus is the lord of love , beauty , creativity as well as peacefulness ,. Number 6 people are damn attractive and are fadhionable, they love to follow trend and to wear expensive stuff. Number 6 people are soft hearted and peaceful , trust worthy and they are people who spread happiness everywhere . They are more good with artistic things.

You resonate with people born under the signs of Taurus and Libra no matter your own star sign and you have an affinity to those signs ruling planet of Venus. 

Number 6 people old age comes late. These people are art lover and their inclination to beauty. There occurs some magnetic power in Venus, so that these individuals are capable to attract others. 

They are with long life-span, strong, healthy and cheerful. No other Moolank have that much capability of attracting others, than the Moolank 6 has. In spite of being materialistic, they are very generous and kind-hearted. They are more interested in travelling. If they love someone, they are willing to sacrifice everything for him/ her.

These people need to avoid anger, anxious, and temper. Mentally they are very sensitive. They also need to avoid alcohol or any kind of drug .

When it comes to their health, These people are physically strong but immunity power is less therefore; they may have some problems regarding throat, nose, lungs, chest and venereal disease.

If we talk about their financial condition, that is not the same all the time. They spend more than their income, but they always make efforts. There are some possibilities that they might face some problem regarding their properties and assets. These individuals are very logical, astrologer, and can be a successful businessman. They want to do their work by their own way.

Marriage & Compatibility :

If we talk of marriage  and love, they are masters in making someone fond of them. They are very jolly and get along with. They are very clever in  (sexual relation, intercourse) but there are some moments in life when they have to face bad phase of life, it can hit so hard. Generally they have a happy family but the suspicious relationship with spouses may hurt them.

This people are compatible with people with life path number 3, 6 or 9.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path Number 5)

Secrets of your Birthday-
If you were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd  day of any month you have a Number "5" Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

5: (5) 

14: (1+4=5) (5)

23:(2+3=5) (5)

Life path Number 5 people are govern by planet Mercury, due to this reason they are very intelligent and clever with a very sharp mind .

Basics Of The Life Path Number 5

Date Lord




For Business:


For Romance:


For Marriage:


Best No.:


Lucky Day:


Lucky Color:


Positive Traits:

They are adaptable and versatile.

Negative Traits:

They are restless and impatient. They dislike the routine work. They jump from one activity to another activity, without ever finishing anything.

There’s a fabulous duality about anyone born under a Number 5 Life Path number – you may literally have two sides to your personality! You have an affinity deep connection with people born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo .
You need variety and change in your life.

In your relationships you need intellectual as well as physical attraction.
You can attract opposite sex quite easily ,and as your are friendly by nature with a good sense of humour you will have a lots of friend around , you will easily make friends.
You may have more than one marriage in your lifetime and you are also the number most likely to out-live your partner so do make provision as you get older for what you would do if you spend the final years of life alone.

You’ll have many ups and downs financially during your lifetime but unlike many other numbers, you won’t let any setbacks get you down.

Travel is an area you would enjoy working in but whatever you choose it has to offer you mental stimulation otherwise you will quit and move on to something else. You love an audience so some kind of role that puts you in front of one or in the public eye is also a possibility for a 5. 

The predominant characteristics of people in life path number 5 are a strong sense of freedom and a keen interest in change. Hence they desire variety in life around them. These people give the greatest value for freedom and like to be independent. They like to explore the unfrequented zones and discover something new even at the cost of missing their near and dear ones for prolonged times. On the move, they wish to mix with new people, taste exotic recipes and experience the newest lands. Challenges are like delicious cakes for them to relish and enjoy.You remove change and variety from their lives and they tend to be less dramatic. They get tired of the familiar things around and develop sea fever. They have a lot of questions related to life which they wish to find out not from lectures, but by personally exploring the world and people. They always like to live in present without saving for future and worrying about what will happen tomorrow. They are never conservatives.

Life Path Number 5 Personality

People sharing life path number 5 have very big difficulty in settling down with a relationship since they are very afraid of being trapped. While they very eagerly seek their freedom, they also tend to seek the freedom of others too. Often their compassionate nature is clearly dominated by their free spirit that moves them towards adventure. Due to this tendency, they often tend to remain immune to what others feel. Since their life often lacks a proper direction, often they are also driven into despair and restlessness for unknown reasons. When it comes to motivating others, very few people can do better than fives. This capability makes them excellent sales people who can easily complete their targets. Those careers that demand extensive travels best suit the people with life path number 5. These are also versatile kind of individuals who can do well in a variety of jobs and career fields. If they have a lot of fives in their birth date, then they tend to be their own bosses and do not like to be ruled by anyone. If they need to report to someone on a daily basis, they cannot thrive in that job for so long. 

Life Path Number 5 Careers

Numerology says life path number 5 is a renaissance number. These robust and versatile individuals can do a variety of things. However, the careers that suit them the best are those that give them a lot of opportunities to travel. They like outdoor life to the core. So you will find most of them taking up careers in the field of mass communication, public relations, advertising, sales, dealing with antiques, high risk activities, and others. In fact these people like gambling and never hesitate to work with risks to earn money. So, it is also very common to find these people working as stunts masters, firefighters and construction laborers. 

Life Path Number 5 Love Life

Numerology finds people with life path number 5 highly attractive and charismatic. Their strong physical power and carefree attitude to life wins them a lot of romantic contacts. They can easily win the admiration of the opposite sex and make them crave from these people. These individuals’ romantic and mushy nature highly appeals to the people of other gender right from the first contact. Though they remain popular among both the sexes, at times, their negative tendency overtakes them in making them less cautious with people. 5s also lack the sense of commitment. Since they are carefree, their partners are often offended and neglected. Some even complain that they are fooled into the relationship with this people. This can be the cause of breaking up of marriages. 

Life Path Number 5 Marriage

Individuals with life path number 5 would have already enjoyed a lot of relationships before marriage. This is because they wish to explore as many relationships as possible in their pursuit of the perfect partner. In course of their love life, they tend to be dissatisfied and bored and they seek new love being motivated to find some change and entertainment. These versatile people greatly love to experiment with new situations and new people. They eagerly look forward to sex as the most important aspect of relationship. Since their minds work very rapidly, these people keep changing their minds from time to time. Despite their flirting and romantic nature, they are very careful when it comes to deciding their life partner. 

Life Path Number 5 Compatibility

People sharing life path number 5 will do very well with stable minded people like 2s with whom they can expect a long term relationship. Also another good match for them is number 8. Numerology says these people potentially have a wide range of possibilities with regard to making compatible partners. However, the problems lies with their restless and flirting nature that looks for chance and variety. You will need a partner who is neither predictable nor demanding. These people can do very well with the daring and adventurous 1s. They will also find the imaginative and highly optimistic number 3 suitable to their life. The protective nature of the 6s and the philosophical minded 7s will also make good matches with 5s. However, the best combination out of all the possible matches is found between 5s and 7s since the 7s who are solemn and reclusive will effectively complement the outgoing nature of the 5.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path Number 4)

Secrets of your Birthday-
If you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st day of any month you have a Number 4 Life Path Master Number.

The calculation is made in the way given below:

4: (4

13: (1+3=4) (4)

22:(2+2=4) (4)


The number 4 person is governed by the planet Uranus. It is related to the sun as well. That is why in occult science number 1 is written as 4-1.

If you have a 4 Master Number you will resonate with people born under the sign of Aquarius. If you encounter people born under this sign you may have a past life connection with them.

The number 4 person must expect upheavals and sudden ups and downs in life. They would experience sudden occurrences in their lives. These occurrences may be beneficial or harmful – all of them will come when they are least expected.

The number 4 person never leads the existence of an average person. His life vacillates between extreme highs and extreme lows. One day he may be the head of his state and the next day he may be condemned as a traitor.

Number 4 persons are intellectual and intelligent. This makes them great liberators. 

Number 4 people are healthy people with good looks with brightness in their eyes ,most of the  number 4 people are against old rituals and they choose their own unique way , as they have an unique way of thinking they sometimes turn out to be an arrogant person , number 4 people are practical , brave and they have talent which can mesmerized others , they are almost aware about everything , they keep themself  upgraded ,
They can achieve higher position in their work place as they are punctual, hard working as well as talented .  They have a lots of inborn talent within them and they don't mind showing them off .

Number 4 people believe to stay friendly , number 4 (man) they don't take much time to fall in love and they are really well behaved , number 4 people have the chances of love marriage but on the other hand they might face few personal problems too .

Number 4 people don't like to follow rules they break them off  , they love to stay impressive .

Friendship and love compatibility :

Number 4 people are compatible with people with life path number 4 , 6 ,7 or 8 .
They can connect their vibe with people of these numbers .

Friday 7 September 2018

Numerology (Life Path Number 3)

Secrets of your Birthday -3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th: Number 3 Life Path

If you were born on the 3rd, 12th , 21st or 30th day of any month your Life Path 
Number is " 3 "

The calculation is made in the way given below:

3: (3

12: (1+2=3) (3)

21:(2+1=3) (3)


If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th day of any month you have a Number 3 Life Path Master Number.
Usually optimistic, outgoing and inspirational, you have an affinity with people born under the sign of Sagittarius no matter what your own birth sign and if you meet someone born under this sign, consider you might be karmically linked in some way.

The number 3 stands in symbolism for the planet Jupiter.
This planet has a very crucial role in the study of numerology as well as astrology. As number 3 people are ruled by Jupiter they are intellectual , graceful and have self confidence and are very ambitious and are achievers.

You are an excellent teacher and possess great leadership abilities and are honest, direct and usually helpful. On the other hand you may also be critical, unmotivated, dictatorial, prone to exaggeration and lazy.

In your lifetime you may face some challenges and if so you need to have faith in your inner power. If you can maintain this you will be able to surmount any problems you may face. You are a winner in the game of life and will ultimately triumph no matter what is thrown at you, provided you keep your inner beliefs intact. When things go wrong for your number they go wrong in a big way. Dealings with the law are also likely with this number.

Being linked to Sagittarius which rules journeys, adventure and travel you need a lot of stimulation in your life and you also crave the adventure of romance! 

You will benefit from travel so do as much of this as you can and you are a number likely to take up residence far from the land of your birth.

Your finances will fluctuate throughout your life and this may be between extremes of feast and famine. Don’t take the good times for granted but at the same time, know that any lean periods won’t last forever. 

Number 3’s are usually attractive not just to the opposite sex but their own sex as well. Understand this has nothing to do with your sexual orientation – you’re just hot! Having said that, you are usually a loyal partner and expect the same in return.

The number 3 person is most suited to share love , partnership , marriage
with person

With Life Path Number 3, 6 or 9 , which means people who were born on 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th and 30th of any month.

The Self-Care A Woman Absolutely Needs, Based On Her Zodiac Sign !!

In the hustle and bustle of this strange journey called life, we get busy looking out and looking after our dear ones. In this confusion, w...